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RADMA 2019

Corbel, P. et Santé, A. « IPRs and the relations between academic research organizations and industry », R&D Management Conference, Paris, juin 2019


This paper studies the tensions that may arise inside academic institutions because of the growing importance of IPRs. Difficulties may arise because of the very different views of the property of knowledge between the world of open science and the world of business: diffusion versus appropriation (Dasgupta and David, 1994). Although these tensions are present in the existing literature, they are rarely studied as such, from the point of view of the main actors inside research institutions.

Our methodology is based on three qualitative surveys (different in time, focus, and people interviewed) put in perspective with a fourth quantitative one. We show that these tensions are multi-facetted in nature, and more complex than just a “publication versus IP” dilemma. This has theoretical implications because it shows that it is necessary to go beyond the analysis of input – output analyses focused on the variables influencing the performance of universities in their “third mission”, and to deepen our understanding of the new “openness” brought by the institutionalization of open innovation inside academic institutions. This has also practical implications. Especially, it questions the relevance of strategies too much focused on IP revenue.

Ressources externes

Site web de RADMA (Research And Development Management Association).



L'auteur et webmaster de ce site est Pascal Corbel, Professeur en sciences de gestion et du management à l'Université Paris-Saclay.

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